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Celebrating Apprenticeship Success

11 October 2023
Carpenter apprentice holding certificate

Supporting apprenticeships is one important way that Breyer seeks to increase youth employment and meet the industry skills shortage.

It also plays a key part in our plans to generate a sustainable, high-performing workforce for the long-term. This is why we are keen to celebrate when one of our apprentices completes their qualification and chooses to stay on with us.

Jack Fehilly recently completed his apprenticeship with Breyer, passing his exams with a good Merit, and is now being employed as a fully qualified carpenter with Renew. He credits his colleagues and managers with helping achieve this success.

Jack said: “Thank you all for your help over the last 3 years, getting me through my apprenticeship and now officially fully qualified. I appreciate it a lot.”

Breyer currently has 13 apprentices under the Apprenticeship Levy, which includes covering the cost of all training and, for site-bound individuals, offering tablets or keyboards to assist them in completing their work. While 12 of our apprentices are students working to achieve varying levels of qualification, one of them is a permanent Breyer staff member who has chosen to upskill.

Daisy Moore, HR Coordinator (L&D), comments:

“Most people expect apprentices to be young students looking to take their first steps in a particular career. However, under the Apprenticeship Levy, existing staff can also train to gain further qualifications, enabling them to upskill and progress in their role. We are passionate about encouraging both new, young talent and seasoned permanent staff through Apprenticeship Levy-funded training opportunities.

“That said, we are particularly delighted when one of our young apprentices does well and goes on to fulfill a fully qualified role with us. Congratulations to Jack as the latest of our apprentice success stories!”