Home 9 News 9 NCC students complete first successful work placements with Breyer

NCC students complete first successful work placements with Breyer

31 August 2022
Breyer apprentices from ncc - group shot

Four students from New City College’s Construction & Engineering Centre in Rainham have recently become the first to complete their work placements with Breyer, as part of their Construction & the Built Environment BTEC course.

The students were offered the opportunity to fulfill their T-level work experience requirement with us thanks to the college’s ex-student, now Breyer Commercial Manager, Dan Williamson.

Dan explains:
“As a student, I completed my BTEC at the college and went onto Breyer who supported my education through funding and a day release programme. I really appreciated the opportunities that Breyer gave me and so, I was keen to offer similar opportunities to other NCC students. Because of their strong focus on Social Value, Breyer was more than happy to support this and recognised that it was also an opportunity to find and grow talented new team members.”

Of the four NCC students that undertook the six-month two-day a week work experience opportunity with Breyer, two are staying to take on apprenticeship roles; one is coming back for another QS work placement with Breyer during their final college year; and the final student is heading to university. However, they’ve promised to stay in touch.

Jane Nugent, Work Experience & Industry Placement Coordinator at NCC, commented:
“This partnership between NCC and Breyer has been so successful that we’re now speaking with other departments within Breyer to build upon it for future apprentices. The training and experience that our students have had through these real-life work placements is invaluable and I’m excited to see the positive impact that it’s already having on their future careers.”

The success of the programme has encouraged Breyer to approach other colleges and training institutions, with a view to offering work experience to more budding construction experts in their early student years.

If you’re interested in a QS role or trainee position with Breyer, please contact [email protected].